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Tracy A. Owusu-Addo

Executive Member | Founder & Executive Lead, PROJECT BRAVE | Foundation & BRAVE Media Agency

Tracy A. Owusu-Addo publicly known as Tracy Sarkcess is a CSR-led strategic media professional, social entrepreneur, a financial
literacy advocate, a keynote speaker, mother and wife with a
passion for young women’s empowerment.

As a media and communications strategist by profession with over 7 years of experience, Tracy is a product of multicultural background: born in Ghana, raised in Germany, studied in the UK and having lived in the United States has given her a wealth of knowledge and experience in all professional projects and interactions.

Also, as a social media influencer, Tracy has almost a million followers combined on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter, where she actively highlights her impact-driven work through her social enterprise, Project BRAVE Foundation. Project BRAVE Foundation, a social enterprise and opportunity- creation hub that seeks to connect, inspire and empower young Ghanaian women through education – with a strong focus on those from underprivileged communities. BRAVE’s thematic areas of focus are practical skills training, economic empowerment and health advocacy/support initiatives. Tracy is also the CEO of BRAVE Media Agency, a content production and marketing strategy firm based in Accra. Brave Media is your partner when it comes to creating and managing digital content to build relationships for organisations and individuals. Brave Media supports brands in crafting their brand ethos, and implementing it through strategic storytelling via content production.